Tools to support participation: a selection of interactive tools and platforms, each with distinct features aimed at enhancing audience engagement, collaboration, and learning. Notable mentions include Mentimeter for its live feedback capabilities, Slido for event interactivity, and Kahoot! for gamified learning experiences. These tools offer trial or free versions, allowing users to explore functionalities before committing to full versions.
Last update: December '23
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Participation is a fundamental aspect of any vibrant and thriving community or organization. It is not enough for the participants to come to a gathering; we should strive to inspire them to show up in a more proactive and inclusive way.

Apart from being engaging and modern, online tools play a crucial role in creating an inclusive environment for participants with special needs.

Many online tools are designed with accessibility features, such as screen reader compatibility, adjustable font sizes, and color contrast settings. These features cater to individuals with visual or hearing impairments, ensuring that they can actively participate.

Online platforms often allow for asynchronous engagement, meaning participants can contribute at their own pace. Tools that support diverse communication modes, including text, audio, and video, provide flexibility for participants with different communication preferences or challenges.

How Exactly Are Online Tools Creating More Engagement?

Features like live polls, quizzes, and interactive whiteboards transform passive participants into active contributors

Gamified elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards within certain online platforms, add an element of competition and fun. This gamification motivates participants and makes the learning process more enjoyable.

Online tools allow for instant feedback through chat discussions, polls, and Q&A sessions. This immediate feedback loop not only enhances understanding but also keeps participants engaged by making them feel heard and valued.

Features like collaborative document editing, virtual breakout rooms, and group discussions promote teamwork and active participation. Participants feel more connected when they can actively contribute to shared goals and projects.

While nothing can replace real human contact, digital tools have several benefits compared to ordinary meetings:

  • Global reach breaks down geographical barriers and borders and contributes to cultural diversity. Anyone with a connection to the internet and a link can join a group.
  • Participants can access online activities at their convenience, eliminating the need for everyone to gather at a specific time and place.
  • Online participation can be more cost-effective than organizing offline events that involve travel, accommodation, and venue expenses.
  • Data inputs can be saved and analyzed during and after the event, and we can monitor participants’ engagement, performance, and interaction. This data-driven approach allows organizers to assess the effectiveness of activities, identify areas for improvement, and tailor future sessions accordingly.

With collaborative features, such as virtual whiteboards, shared documents, and real-time editing, we can facilitate teamwork in a manner that makes everyone more equally included.

What are good practice examples?

In the list below, multiple tools are introduced, including their best features and specific ways we can use them. All the mentioned tools offer free or trial versions, providing accessible options for users to explore their features before committing to premium plans.

Mentimeter is an interactive presentation tool that allows presenters to engage audiences through live polls, quizzes, and open-ended questions. What sets Mentimeter apart is its seamless integration of real-time audience feedback into presentations, enhancing interactivity and participation.

Best Feature: Mentimeter’s “Word Cloud” feature stands out, displaying audience responses in a visually dynamic way. This encourages active participation and provides presenters with instant insights into audience sentiments.

Slido is a versatile audience engagement platform used for live polls, Q&A sessions, and quizzes. Noteworthy is Slido’s capability to integrate seamlessly with various video conferencing tools, making it adaptable for virtual events and meetings. Slido was founded in Slovakia.

Best Feature: The “Moderation” feature allows organizers to manage and curate audience questions, ensuring a more controlled and focused Q&A session.

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that turns quizzes and surveys into interactive games. Its user-friendly interface and extensive library of pre-made quizzes make it an excellent tool for educators and teachers to gamify learning experiences.

Best Feature: Kahoot!’s “Ghost Mode” stands out, allowing participants to compete against their own previous scores or others’ scores, adding a layer of competition and motivation.

Google Jamboard is a collaborative digital whiteboard tool that facilitates real-time collaboration on a shared canvas. It stands out for its simplicity and accessibility, making brainstorming and idea generation engaging for participants. Google’s whiteboarding app will discontinue in late 2024.

Best Feature: The “Infinite Canvas” feature allows participants to expand their workspace endlessly, promoting creativity and flexibility in collaborative discussions.

Padlet is an online collaboration tool that serves as a digital canvas for collecting and sharing ideas. It distinguishes itself with its versatility, allowing participants to contribute text, images, links, and more in an organized way.

Best Feature: Padlet’s “Wall Customization” feature allows organizers to personalize the look and feel of the collaboration space, creating a visually engaging environment for participants.

Poll Everywhere is a real-time audience response system that allows participants to respond to polls and surveys using various devices. It stands out for its versatility, supporting live polls, word clouds, quizzes, and more.

Best Feature: The “Open-Ended Response” feature enables participants to submit free-text responses, fostering deeper engagement and providing organizers with valuable qualitative insights.

Genially is an all-in-one online tool designed for creating interactive and animated content. It stands out for its versatility, allowing users to design engaging presentations, infographics, quizzes, and more. Genially emphasizes visual storytelling, making it an ideal choice for educators, marketers, and content creators.

Best Feature: Genially’s “Interactive Presentations” feature enables users to add animations, transitions, and interactive elements to presentations, enhancing the overall visual appeal and engagement.

Wordwall is an interactive teaching tool that focuses on gamified learning experiences. Educators can create a variety of interactive activities such as quizzes, games, and puzzles to reinforce educational content. Wordwall is particularly popular in educational settings for its ease of use and adaptability across various subjects.

Best Feature: The “Quiz Trade” feature in Wordwall promotes active learning by encouraging students to interact with each other. It involves a dynamic exchange of questions and answers between classmates, fostering collaboration and engagement.

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