Ivana Stařičná: Sometimes we need to stop believing in something to start believing in something else

Objavljeno: 18. decembra 2015

Ivana iz češkega mesta Ostrava, študentka novinarstva, je na Socialni akademiji prestala svojo 3-mesečno izkušnjo EVS prostovoljstva. Takole se je spominja:

“European Voluntary Service is for sure the best experience in your life. It is good for your now and in the future. You will enjoy it for sure.” This seems like the best opportunity, doesn’t it? But my first feelings upon arrival were completely different. First day at my new work? I didn’t understand why I was sitting in the office and I didn’t know what I supposed to do.

At that moment I didn’t believe in my friend’s comments about EVS “being the best”. But later on I have realized that sometimes we need to stop believing in something to start believing in something else… That is how it happened actually. All of the sudden everything changed and I don’t know how that was possible. I went to Socialna Akademija as usual, walked around the river ivanaLjubljanica, trees were in autumn’s coat and I realized how many things I have already learned. And how many nice, helpful and patient people I work with in Socialna akademija.

What do I see now? I have learned how to say no. I have more courage. Who had a chance to learn how to cut videos and make a film? Me. My English is much better than at the beginning. I can speak with anybody and I don’t have a red face for doing so. I can manage my own project. I am not afraid of something just because I don‘t believe in myself.

The best occasion to learn something is jump into the water and start to swim. And that was EVS, thousand experiences just in three months.

Ivana Stařičná, EVS volunteer

V tem času je skupaj z Zvonko in Katjo, ki sta trenerki pri mladinski pobudi 10 KLJUČNIH STVARI, posnela mini telenovelo “Moje brezposelno življenje“.

O podrobnostih njenega bivanja v Sloveniji je z Ivano počvekala Zvonka Špec v spodnjem intervjuju:

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