Format n. 02 Screenplaying lab #1


Make students understand that it is important to think over what they express in social networks, because this action has an impact on the others.

Target group:

School class, pupils between 15 and 16 year old.

Time:2 h

1) The multiplier shows the video that has been prepared during the workshop.

2) Then 3 groups will be created. The groups decide on the storyline and the script, and they can also choose the characters they will interpret. Then, with the ezvid program they create their videos. It might be necessary to shoot the video several times in order to succeed.

3) After that, the whole class sits in a circle, and pupils share their experiences and emotions. One member of each group edits the video, and at the end, we watch all the created videos together.


0 – 15 min: Introduction of the work

15 – 30 min: Decide on the storyline and the script, choose different roles

30 – 60 min: Acting

60 – 90 min: Discussion about experiences, during that one member of each groups edits the video

90 – 110 min: Showing of the video

Multipliers:At least 2

Download “ezvid” (editing program) to the computers, create a fake Facebook account


As many computers as groups are created, a few smartphones

– All students can take part- The program can be used easily- Interesting

CONTRA– Students have to use their own Facebook accounts- The video can be edited only by a few people

Format n. 03 Angel & devil

The aim is to make pupils reflect about different situations and consider various aspects, to make them realise that cyber bullying is not at all a fun thing
Target group:
School class, pupils between 13 and 17 years old (adapt the seriousness of the questions to age)
2 h
1) First, the pupils will watch a short video prepared by the multiplier B in advance.
2) After that, the group will discuss the video in small groups, trying to make every participant speak and take part in an active way.
3) The most important part of the seminar will be the Angel/Devil game, where students will be given a situation, like: your friend asks you to break a classmates’ fb account just for fun. One part of the class will have to support this idea, trying to convince the others, while the second group has to come up with the drawbacks of the idea.
4) In the end the pupils will have to decide together which group is right, why and to what extent; they will be asked to evaluate the benefit of the game.
0 – 5 min: Introduction
5 – 10 min: Video (made by multiplier) – interview with questions
10 – 35 min: Group conversations – 3 groups with prepared questions
35 – 75 min: Situational games: “Convince the person to…”; aim: to create situations arousing different emotions based on questions such as “Should I break in someone’s Facebook account just for fun?” etc.
75 – 90 min: Conclusion and evaluation with the whole class: what was good/ bad/useful
At least 2
Preparation of questions, different situations and video
Camera / smartphones
– Active involvement of pupils- Funny game
– Vivid discussion
– A lot of preparation needed
-The “devil” part could be the most enjoyable one (but this opens also interesting debates)

Format n. 04 Reality vs facebook

The goal is to emphasize the different ways in which people can act on Facebook and in real life
Target group:
School class, pupils between 13 and 14 years old
2 h
1) First, the pupils will be given a picture which they shall describe to a classmate who cannot see it. After that, this classmate has to draw what he heard. The next one describes it again to another classmate, and so on. In the end, it is likely that the last picture will be very different from the original one.2) In the next activity, the pupils create a Facebook account and another one which represents real life. Both of them will be created on paper, to reflect on how people show another image of themselves online. They can create the two accounts next to each other in order to visualize the differences clearly. After discussing the experiences, the pupils will be given emoticons, which they can hand out to their peers.
0 – 5 min: Introduction of the first game
5 – 30 min: Play the first game, drawing of the topic they heard, and describe these pictures
(during the drawing part, multipliers could start making the emoticon pictures with the other students to use this time)
30 – 75 min: Start the second game, create two accounts on paper
75 – 90 min: Finish accounts, evaluate them together, talk about experiences
At least 2
Printing emoticons for students
Printed emoticons, bringing paper, pens, pencils etc
– Fun action
– Interactive for students
– Pictures can be used in social media campaignCONTRA
– While someone is drawing, others can get bored
– Preparation of accounts can take a lot of time

Format n. 05 Tunnel

Increase the empathy towards the topic of bullying, e.g. by experiencing the uncertainty of the role of the victim in a classroom.
Enhance a positive climate and communication through experience of positive opposite of victim-role
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
1) Give each student a paper with “real” negative examples of chats, comments and posts found on social media. 

2) Then the students face each other in pairs, lined up in the fashion of a tunnel (with a gap of approx. 1m).
The first will start to go slowly through this tunnel of classmates with his/her eyes closed. While he/she goes through, every student who passed will regard him/her with the comment written on the paper he/she carries. When the student arrives at the end, he will line up at the end of the tunnel again and be the last bully of the next passing student, who will also line up, a.s.o.

3) Afterwards there will be time to discuss the information and discover further info about the topic of social media and cyberbullying and the experiences of the students.

4) Next, the pupils will have time to prepare a positive comment for EACH of their classmates by themselves (short but personal). As an orientation, the multipliers will provide some examples.
Then the same game will be played again, but more slowly and with eyes open.
Every student will experience the situation of receiving positive and individual feedback by every single classmate.

0 – 10 min: Introduction10 – 15 min: showing comments
15 – 20 min: Tunnel-Game
20 – 45min: Discussion, sharing of feedback
45 – 60 min: talk about social media and own experiences
60 – 85 min: prepare positive comments
85 – 90 min: play again
90 105 min: final discussion and overall feedback
At least 1 (+ 1 assistent)
Pen and paper
Printed emoticons, bringing paper, pens, pencils etc
– Easy to implement for all kind of classes, groups and ages- Little efforts (little preparation, little material)
– Everybody experiences the role of bully and victim -> experience builds up awareness and sensitivity and may even change some behavior
– Great effect of second positive tunnel: for each single student, for the relationships as well as for the climate within the class
-Challenge to accompany action in a professional and empathic way -> multipliers need to be really fit and have a lot of patience and empathy

Format n. 06 Guess who?

10 1. Students reflect on how they want to present themselves in social networks and how others might see them.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
3h, better would be dividing it on more days
The workshop is divided in 3 different steps: 1) Warm Up 2) Group work and presentation of results 3)discussion/evaluation.1) Warm-Up:
– Photo shoot with different materials (moustache, glasses, figs, hats, etc.); Question: how do you want to look like? Which image do you want to give?
– After the photo shoot, other mates comment (prepared comments available or blank paper) or give a like (prepared “thumb up”) and stick it to the person
– Sharing of experiences: Everybody says in one word/sentence what he/she wanted to express with the new look and how it was seen by the others2) Group work (differentiated learning): students can choose freely which small group they would like to attend. If there is one group many students want to join, it is possible that two small groups work on the same topic. If one group is of no interest for anyone, simply leave it out.
– Create a fake profile:
*Set up a blank profile; give login data to students who can spread the profile on social media with friends; they could also add things themselves
* Only students of that group create a fake profile
– Internet research about public figures who shared something and afterwards needed to deal with a “shitstorm”
– Photo manipulation: workshop with a simple photo app (to be or to pretend to be)
– Journalists: observe the other groups, take pictures, report about their progress

After 1 hour, all groups come together again and every group presents their results. The journalists have the role to summarize first, groups add.

3) Discussion
– Students share their feelings/emotions they experienced during the group work.
-Multiplier summarizes in the end and concludes

0 – 15 min: Welcoming students, Introduction, explanation of warm up15 – 35 min: Warm Up
35 – 45 min: Group work introduction
45 – 105 min: Group work
105 – 135 min: Presentation of results
135 – 150 min: Break
150 – 180 min: Discussion
180 min: Conclusion, summarizing
at least 2, better more
Collect materials for photo shoot; preparation of tasks for groups (short summary for every group); create fake profile (only login data); prepare questions for final discussion (open questions, to reflect on process)
Smartphones/computers, at least one per group; materials for photo shoot (beards, figs, hats, glasses, etc.); cameras for journalists (possible: smartphones); Wi-Fi/hotspot (allow Social Network Sites)
– Flexible approach: group work is orientated on interests of students- Interactive: students have an active role and influence the direction
– Diverse activities, no boredomCONTRA
– Takes a lot of time to prepare as well as in class
– More than one room is needed
-Workshop depends very much on action of students

Format n. 07 Show your face

Try to raise awareness of pupils and encourage them to share their personal statements against cyber bullying. International level in sharing the final result. Contribution from every pupil to reach the positive outcome.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
3h, better would be dividing it on more days
1) The multiplier(s) gives introduction to the class about the topic and the activities (1h).Interview that asks a concrete question (“What do you do if…”) and gets a direct statement (“I will…”and “I will not…”) as a result.

2) Photo shoot of faces and statements that will be written on boards in the shape of chat bubbles, each one with a different colour. Pupils will have the possibility to express their creativity by organising a workshop (together with their teachers) to create attractive and impressive backgrounds for the shoots. The photos will be collected and set in a form of collage on one or more posters, or including only one person´s face, or faces of the whole class. An extra option could be producing audio/video formats with strong messages related to avoid cyber bullying statements.

3) Pupils will post pictures they made on the German Facebook Page of the project. Pictures and video/audio materials will be used later for social media channels.
The workshop can be implemented in other schools in the region, and even in other countries. This will bring the spirit of belonging to a wide community involved in the same topic. Afterwards it is possible to make an international collage with the same strong message.

0 – 60 min: Introduction of the work and topic, interview, workshops
60 – 90 min: Statements and photo shoot90 – 120 min: Photos, posting on the page
120 min: Evaluation, discussion
at least 2
Prepare the introduction of the activities
Smartphone for each student, if possible professional equipment
– Interactive- International- Good for big or small groups
– Can go viral
-Amount of time

Format n. 08 Developed by: DE Title: social game

Try to understand the different roles that occur in a cyber bullying task, enter in empathy in different situations
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
2,5 h
1) The multiplier hands out a card to each participant in which his/her character role is described. Then, through a WhatsApp chat, each participant acts his part with the group. Another student will film the display of the mobile. After ten minutes, the roles are changed.

2) In the second part of the lesson there will be a discussion with the multiplier in order to understand what each student felt during the activity. A final video will be edited and presented to the classroom.

0 – 15 min: Introduction of the work15 – 30 min: Giving the cards to participants
30 – 45 min: Acting (first part)
45 – 60 min: Acting (second part)
60 – 75 min: Discussion
75 – 105 min: Editing of the video
105 min: Showing of the video
At least 2
Prepare the cards, prepare a pre-edited video template
Smartphone for each student
– Interactive- Including pupils
-Amount of time

Format n. Guess who? #1

Think about the virtual representation of individuals on profiles of social networks
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
2 h
The activity aims to reflect on the difference between an individual and its image that his/her social profile gives about him/her, through a practical activity that asks pupils to use some of their recent Facebook posts.1) Firstly, they will transcribe them on paper.

2) Then, the posts will be mixed and each student will have to assign the posts to the matching profile on a board set up in the classroom. Pupils could also assign some “likes” to the posts they prefer. The whole activity is done in an anonymous way, and the pupils don’t really know the author of each post.

3) At the end, the multiplier B will conduct an evaluation of the results to analyze the content, asking the pupils if they feel themselves represented by their profile.

0 – 15 min: Introduction of the activity15 – 30 min: Ask each student to copy the last 5 posts of his/her Facebook profile and write them on paper
30 – 45 min: Hand the written post in a closed envelope over to another pupil and ask him to mix in final cards similar to Facebook posts (to maintain anonymity)
45 – 60 min: Give to each participant five posts randomly chosen, asking them to attach to a board connecting them to the profile of each participant
60 – 75 min: Each participant can put five “like” symbols to the posts he prefer (ev. stickers)
75 – 90 min: Short statistic evaluation in order to understand to whom the post on the board belongs to.
90 – 110 min: Final discussion: Do profiles on social network really reflect your personality?
At least 2
Facebook cards, board, “like” – stickers
Each pupil must have a smartphone
– Practical activity- Critical reflection on the content published as a postCONTRA
-Risk that some pupils could not have a Facebook profile and they have to invent the posts

Format n. 10 Radio show

Using the audio/radio medium to make pupils think about the topic of cyber bullying in a fun and simple way.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
2 h
1) Give basic information about cyber bullying and understand what they already know about this topic, trough a participative and dynamic way of work.

2) Make a short brainstorming/identikit about the personality of the bully, useful to create a collective story. All the scenes will be used to compose the story of the podcast. Every pupil will have the task to complete the scenes using his/her imagination, using an incipit given by the multiplier.3) Record the story in one take. The story will be told by the voice of the pupils, choose some sound effects and/or a theme song. In the end will be created a live audio editing to improve the pupil’s awareness of the phenomenon.

3) Record the story in one take. The story will be told by the voice of the pupils, choose some sound effects and/or a theme song. In the end will be created a live audio editing to improve the pupil’s awareness of the phenomenon.

0 – 20 min: Introduction and brainstorming20 – 35 min: Identikit & brainstorming about the bully
35 – 60 min: Write the story
60 – 70 min: Recording
70 – 90 min: Live audio editing
At least 2
Download the audio software (Audacity or any other), download some sound effects (, bring paper
Computer, audio software
– Fun activity, easy to involve the pupils- Brainstorming is useful as an ice-breaking activity- Combination of various activities (visual, writing, audio recording)CONTRA
– Computer needed, some technical skills needed
-Risk to not have enough time

Format n. 11 From social to visual

Focus on the different social network structures and the relational forms that they engage. Develop awareness on the cyber bullying topic.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
2 h
1) The multiplier hands out a script to each participant which has been previously prepared. This script is based on real discussions or posts found in the web (, Facebook).

2) Each pupil gets a script and has to play one of its roles. One pupil will be the cameraman, the others the actors.3) For the format there will be one close-up of the actor who has to answer. Behind him the other actors will alternate, and one after the other will read the script.

3) For the format there will be one close-up of the actor who has to answer. Behind him the other actors will alternate, and one after the other will read the script.

4) For the Facebook format, in the beginning there will be a close up of the actor who “publishes a post” and then through a tracking shot the other actors (they are standing in front of him) will enter in the framing reading the “comments of the post”.

0 – 15 min: Introduction of the work15 – 30 min: Hand over the script to the pupils
30 – 60 min: Acting ( format)
60 – 90 min: Acting (Facebook format)
90 – 105 min: Screening the video
105 – 120 min: Discussion
At least 2
Prepare the scripts
One smartphone and a swivel chair for the tracking shot.A beamer and a computer for the screening.
– High interaction between pupils- Improve the awareness on the use of social networks and on the cyber bullying topic- Improvement of the students creative approach through a “translation/ transfer” processCONTRA
– Difficulty in keeping an active and concentrated atmosphere
-Risk of emulation

Format n. 12 Social game

Try to understand the different roles that emerge in a cyber bullying action, establish empathy with the different actors.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
2 h (plus 10 min. preparation)
1) The multiplier gives a card to each participant on which his/her character is described.Then, through a whatsapp chat, each participant acts individually within the group. Another pupil will film this interaction on the display of the mobile phone. After ten minutes the participants change roles.

2) In the second part of the lesson there will be a discussion with the multiplier in order to discuss together what each pupil felt during the activity.3) A final video that shows the interactions will be edited, cut together and presented to the class

3) A final video that shows the interactions will be edited, cut together and presented to the class

0 – 15 min: Introduction of the work15 – 30 min: Give prepared cards to the pupils
30 – 45 min: Acting (first part)
45 – 60 min: Acting (second part)
60 – 80 min: Discussion
80 – 100 min: Edit the video
100 – 120 min: Screen the video
At least 2
Prepare the cards, prepare edited video templates
A smartphone for each pupil.
– Interactive, easy to involve the pupils- Reflect about different positions and power- Improvement of the students creative approach through a “translation/ transfer” processCONTRA
Risk of emulation

Format n. 13 Transfer lab

Aim: The aim of this exercise is to show participants that anyone can become a victim of cyber bullying and that there doesn’t necessarily have to be a reason for such behavior.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
2 h
The participants (separated into groups) will have to search the internet for authentic comments made by “cyber-bullies”. These texts will then be read by each participant (who will play the role of the victim) whilst being recorded.
0 – 5 min: Introduction
5 – 25 min: Searching the internet for negative comments and assigning texts per participant
25 – 35 min: Participants will spend this time preparing by memorizing texts (should they be willing) and setting up the scene
35 – 75 min: Recording (we’re assuming that this part may be repeated a couple of times)
75 – 95 min: Post-production (editing the film…)
95 – 110 min: Show time!
110 – 120 min: Discussion about the films made by each and a final reflection of each workshop (this is planned to be the last workshop)
– Prepare an emergency list containing the cyber bullying examples
– Point out to the participants that they will be recorded (possibly gain parental consent before this workshop)
– Recording device (camera, mobile phone…)
– Computer with a projector
– IT room
– Participants can enter this role and develop a deeper understanding of the situation from the victims’ point of view
– It is almost certain that vulgar phrases will be found-Limited time frame

Format n. 14 Screenplaying lab #2

Through role playing, the participants will draw conclusions of how to react in a situation in which cyber bullying occurs.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 13 and 16 years old
The participants are split into different groups where they will be assigned particular roles (victim, bully or observer). The participants will then have to create a fake profile on paper. Next, the participants will perform the situation, using post-it notes as a conversation between the different roles.
0 – 20 min: Introduction
20 – 30 min: Splitting into groups, assigning into roles and creating the fake profiles
30 – 60 min: Preparing the „conversation”
60 – 90 min: Recording each “conversation” and watching each film
90 – 110 min: Discussion – the participants will be asked to see when the hurtful comments started
110 – 120 min: Conclusion – discussion of how to avoid such scenarios
2 (possibly more)
Point out to the participants that they will be recorded (possibly gain parental consent before this workshop)
– Post-it notes- Pens & paper- Recording device (camera…)
– Projector
– Allows the participants to be creativeCONTRA
The workshop doesn’t completely reflect the reality of cyber bullying in social

Format n. 15 Audio lab #1

20 This workshop is aimed to raise the participants’ awareness of the problems created through cyber bullying and to make each participant reflect upon the matter. The final aim is for each participant to come up with their own definition of cyberbullying.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 13 and 16 years old
1) One activity will involve splitting the participants into groups and having them throw a ball between them. The person who catches the ball has to come up with a word/phrase involving cyberbullying. From these words, a Mindmap will be created (ideally, each word/phrase will be classified into a certain category).
2) The participants will be split into groups. Within these groups, they will be asked to come up with questions involving cyberbullying. Next, the participants will be recorded as each group asks the others their questions (similar to the way reporters ask questions).
0 – 10 min: Introduction
10 – 20 min: Warm up: throw the ball and come up with words/phrases that involve cyberbullying
20 – 40 min: Create the Mindmap
40 – 60 min: Split the participants into 2 groups where they will formulate questions for the “interview”
60 – 80 min: Record the responses to different questions
80 – 100 min: Replay the answers back to the participants
100 – 120 min: Discussion and conclusion
Possibly prepare categories in order to classify words/phrases
– Ball(s)
– Paper for the Mindmap & pens
– Recording device
– Role-playing
– The answers could be shared with the general public
-The amount of time spent on each activity depends on the dynamic of each group and the enthusiasm of the participants

Format n. 16 Guess who #2

Aim: The aim of this exercise is to remove stereotypes, whilst showing the participants how social portals such as Facebook or Twitter can create an illusion.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 13 and 16 years old
1) The participants are divided into groups, where they will be assigned particular figures (eg. The Barbie Doll, The Sportsperson…).

2) Each group has to create a fake profile for their figure, posting photos/ films/comments…

3) The groups will then switch profiles, discussing whether they believe the profile is realistic or not – this should provoke a discussion as the Multipliers B will suggest other reasons for a person to present themselves in a particular way (perhaps the Sportsperson isn’t physically active and just holds a great interest in Sports/Healthy lifestyle…)
4) Conclusion

0 – 10 min: Introduction
10 – 20 min: Divide participants into groups and assign them particular characters
20 – 50 min: Participants create the fake profiles
50 – 75 min: Switch profiles and analyse them
75 – 100 min: Discussion
100 – 120 min: Conclusion
The different personality types need to be prepared – the number of figures depends on the number of groups.
– This workshop allows the participants to work within teams, whilst being creative- It also allows the participants to reflect upon the reality of social profiles
-Participants may assume that everything/everyone in social profiles is false

Format n. 17 Post-it film

The aim is to understand the different roles that exist in cyber bullying, to develop empathy in different situations, to use creative writing and develop an artistic use of multimedia to reflect on difficulties that youth faces, and to gain new competences
Target group:
School class, pupils between 11 and 16 years old
1) Start with showing a motivational video and a short explanation about the format.
2) Then the pupils put together a story, using the word-collage game (through brainstorming).3) The pupils afterwards write the dialogues based on the game results, and write down the posts on post-its.
4) The preparation for the video recording follows: select the appropriate music, logistics on film-set (defining roles, stick post-its on the wall).
5) Recording with photo camera, add music.
6) Final discussion after screening of the produced video.
0 – 10 min: Introduction: motivational video and short explanation
10 – 30 min: Word collage – putting together a story
30 – 45 min: Writing post-its, using the story created in the game
45 – 55 min: Preparing of the video recording – division of different roles, select appropriate music
55 – 75 min: Discussion
75 – 90 min: Filming
90 – 105 min: Presentation of the video
105 – 120 min: Discussion
At least 2
Bring post-its, define some key words for game
– Simple, not too much technology needed- Fun- Use of all senses
– Can be done quickly

– Use of swear words, might not take bullying seriously
-Pupils must be divided into several groups of max. 5 or 6 so that they all can engage in the preparation of the video

Format n. 18 Guess who #3

Make the students aware of the visual manipulation through media
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
1) Introduction
2) Puzzle (jigsaw) – Confrontation of two pictures of the same person: one with make-up/photo shopped, the other one without make up/not photoshopped. This confrontation will help pupils to understand the common use of visual manipulation of reality in media
3) Pictionary: in groups of 4, the students draw the picture of a profile. In the end of the activity, they compare the original with the edited results. Understanding that everyone has a different perception, distortion of reality through different media
4) Conclusion with a final discussion sitting in a circle where everyone shares their impressions, while multiplier B moderates the process
0 – 10 min: Introduction
10 – 40 min: Puzzle – photoshopped and not photoshopped pictures
40 – 85 min: Pictionary- understanding that everyone has different perceptions,
distortion of reality through different media
85 – 100 min: Final discussion: sitting in a circle – everyone shares their impressions
At least 2
Photoshopped pictures, searching images
Computer, Program Photoshop, paper, pencils, printed edited and non-edited pictures of celebrities
– Flexible- Interactive- It can be upgraded by making a stop-motion version of putting the puzzles togetherCONTRA
-If warm up is not effective there will be a problem understanding the aim

Format n. 19 Audio lab #2

Try to recompose a song with new lyrics with an anti cyber bullying content; pupils become more involved and empathetic with the victims of cyber bulling.Achieve through this action a critical reflection on society, where an individual can be cast into shame because of his diversity.
Target group:
School class, pupils between 12 and 16 years old
1) Brainstorming: Two groups of pupils reflect about social media, record the process2) Story: creating a story one word at a time on the topic of cyber bullying in groups of five people each3) Create a poem about the bully/victim
4) Song lyrics – famous song with the words changed
5) Audio story
0 – 10 min: Warm-up and getting to know each other through a game (creating meaningful creative sentences in a way that everybody says one word)
10 – 20 min: Introduction into topic of cyber bullying (show motivational video + PPT on topic)
20 – 25 min: Divide class into groups, instructions for the groups
25 – 50 min: Groups select one piece of music from Karaoke list that they like or find funny; write lyrics; adapt lyrics so that it reflects on why youngsters use cyber conversation and show what can happen when doing that
50 – 60 min: Record the song
60 – 75 min: Edit the song
75 – 90 min: Listen to all songs and comment on the results
90 – 105 min: Final discussion on the outcomes and the cyber bullying topic
At least 2
Research on modern music, Karaoke list, short presentation on cyber bulling
Computer or projector for screening of video, internet, recording device, papers, pencils
– Encourages critical observation, imagination, music and writing skills- The lyrics can avoid using defamatory language by finding other, more poetic solutions for describing the victim

– Rift between the students which music is cool enough to work on
– Can lead to usage of inappropriate words if the moderators don`t pay attention