Angela – Volunteering Our volunteering experience at Socialna akademija Tue, 16 Mar 2021 12:18:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Escape the ordinary! Wed, 24 Jul 2019 09:40:05 +0000 Continue reading "Escape the ordinary!"

We all probably have a book on our bedside table that we read before sleep and maybe we struggle to finish because we don’t like it or because it’s boring.
So the question is why do we have to finish it? Because we bought it or because we want a new one…maybe!
I’ll tell you a secret: there is no excuse to keep it, if you don’t like it, choose another one!

I know it’s not always as simple as with books (many of which also have a happy ending) but what if you start seeing everything in black and white, even if you’re not part of an old photograph?
You know, they have their charm because they smell of experience, history, friendship and family…old pics I mean!

Time is the greatest gift we’ve ever received, so why waste it doing things we don’t like or don’t care about? Why regret lost possibilities?
There are only two letters “no” … or rather “NO”. Doesn’t your book sound interesting? Get another one. Is the color of the wall monotonous? Choose a more lively one and so on and then, step by step, it will be easier and more fun!

When colors did not exist yet, artists used pigment powders to paint…to emphasize that there is always a means that allows you to reach your goals, even if it’s not perfect or it might seem difficult.

And how many times you can read about it, how many people can tell you, it will never be as satisfying as when you decide to change something, to take the first step…the first of a long series, to have new experiences, to satisfy your curiosity and to feel that there is nothing to lose!

So my dear reader, start your change … and your challenge!

escape the ordinary

NexTiVal: Neat Tiny Value! Wed, 12 Jun 2019 11:44:07 +0000 Continue reading "NexTiVal: Neat Tiny Value!"

Do you remember those sunny and warm days when you want to relax in the park? Where you wanna lie on the grass or walk with your dog? And instead, you arrive at the park and find it decked out at the party?!
Sure Nextifal is this: a melting pot of colors and sounds, where you can feel at home!
Because the sportsman who teaches you how to use weights, or the street artist who tells you how to express your creativity with a canister of color, you don’t have the chance to find them every day together, side by side.

And if instead, you liked something more dynamic or, on the contrary, more relaxing you can find an activity that is also suitable for you!
You could take part in a hip hop contest or try to swing 3 or 4 pins in the air while balancing on a wooden board, but maybe you’re a bit lazy like me and then listen to live music and watch people that dance is the best solution!

Nextival it was an opportunity to confront, to meet new people, to laugh together, to learn about a new point of view and to discover new interesting activities…
And then why stay at home when you can become part of a bigger story?


Remember to learn…without forgetting yourself! Tue, 30 Apr 2019 12:32:11 +0000 Continue reading "Remember to learn…without forgetting yourself!"

I have been in Slovenia for almost two months and I can tell you something about it…

It would be too easy to talk about the beauty of its landscapes, the splendor of its lakes and the wealth of history that its cities enclose.

Even as I write, it is enough to look out the window to see very high mountains with the top still covered in snow…
Actually, Slovenia, as well as any country that welcomes you, is not just geography, but it’s the people who compose it, who surround you, who don’t make you feel lonely even if you are miles away from home…and this is my Slovenia, the place I want to talk to you.

I am used to living in a big city, because I like its noise, the chaos of the night, the chatter of people … here I live at the entrance of a town called Brezovica, where everyone knows each other, they are friendly and the children smile at you. The person of whom you couldn’t do without here is Majda, my landlady: any problem there is she runs to resolve it, if there is any tradition to know she is the right person … especially if you like to eat sweet stuff, Majda is the best company there is.

When you arrive in Ljubljana you can visit Socialna akademija, participating in one of the many workshops that it organizes .. and it’s here that the day gets interesting.
Any question? Any problem? Don’t worry… there are Sabina and Vesna. You can’t imagine how many things you have to look for when you arrive in a new country and how difficult it’s not knowing the language…and in this, I’m an absolute disaster, as indeed just a bit with technology and that’s why there are Andraž and Rok that bear me and run to my rescue every time I make a mess (Rok speaks Italian, so I also use him as my personal translator :P)
Usually in Italy when you have to make a request to talk to the boss. The problem here is that I haven’t yet figured out who he is or how many there are. One thing is certain ˝I’m the real boss˝…but now I should talk to myself?! (I already imagine Matej and Yanko laughing out loud but I’m serious).
Do you think you will arrive in a new place and know the language perfectly? Forget it…that’s why there is Eva that corrects my Slovenian and Marina helps me to practice my English and not only.

Actually, the beauty of these rooms is that you can meet people from anywhere in the world and even if they speak different languages, learn something from them anyway!

This is also the beauty of Slovenia, of Ljubljana: just walk down the street to hear Slovenians, English, Spanish, Italian … and feel a little at home! Because you can remove an Italian from Italy, but not Italy from an Italian!

