admin – Volunteering Our volunteering experience at Socialna akademija Wed, 05 Feb 2020 15:00:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Second month Mon, 26 Nov 2018 14:56:17 +0000 Continue reading "Second month"

I have to say that this month has been relatively longer. When you start to accept the fact that you are not only visiting for a longer period of time, but you actually moved away from home, it get’s a bit harder to stay focused.

November 1

Starting November by going on a small trip to Croatia. Few days away. Although it’s already November I’m still able to go out to terrace bare foot and enjoy my morning coffee like it would be a summer morning. Still filled motivation and even when I’m away I keep thinking about what would I like to create inside organization.

November 3

It’s Saturday. On our way home we went to Piran. If you have been there then you probably know the St. George’s Parish Church which is located on the hill by the coastal area. The view from there is breathtaking, especially if the sky is clear. Across the bay of Adriatic sea the Dolomites are visible, so as the conversation with a friend is going I can’t keep my attention away from them.

You need to appreciate those moments. You need to cherish the place and stop for a moment even if you’re on a hurry. Just take the view and the moment. It’s the present and you need to enjoy it. It’s happening only because of you. You put yourself there through many other decisions. Little appreciation is needed to fully take the moment.

November 6

Two days of filming already. Angles and sound, speed of movement and eye contact through camera screen. Confusing is the word I am looking for to describe this.

It’s getting more and more intense in the organization. Still it’s good to keep yourself busy with productive things. Actually not only productive but this is learning as well. I mean it keeps me motivated. It’s a psychological way of how brain is functioning.

We need closure in order to feel satisfied. So if you open particular subject for yourself you need to understand it, otherwise you’ll start to feel anxious by the time.  

November 9

Participation in filming for the EU event was a bit of a disappointment. Not in the context about the filming but more about the conference itself.  The first time of working the full equipment was intriguing.

November 11

The place with an elevation of 1000m! We spent our Saturday evening in mountain hut near Škofja Loka. Small cozy place. I was cooking dinner and also learning how to make proper mulled wine.  Enjoying the peace.

Morning view! It was something so pure! Fresh air and black coffee on the edge of a balcony. Swinging my legs over the handrail, which was wide enough to sit on properly.

Afterwards visiting lake Bled and then slowly heading home. But darkness at 5 p. m. is a pity, I have to say.

November 19

They warned me about the low point after excitement is gone. I reached it. So now I just want to spent quality time in not so crowded places. I went for a hike the other day after work. Suddenly it started to snow! First snow! Couldn’t even express my excitement. It kind of kept everything in balance that day.

So when it hits the bottom just keep yourself together and treat yourself the way you would treat someone in your position. It’s sometimes harder to see the solution for your own problems. The way out is to look from aside and keep your mind cool. 

November 24

I have started to take photography a bit more seriously. First time shooting long exposures. After our last session with photography mentor I have carried this interest inside me. So finally giving it a life.

I still need to practice.

November 26

Again escaping the city. This time I’m more of an calm observer. I’m slowly getting my inner tourist out of my system.

Lake Bohinj was breathtaking! Triglav National Park in all it’s majesty. It was foggy that day, but honestly it just made these views better. Trees covered in a blanket of fog kept me warm all the way. With just a little bit of help from hot coffee hidden in my thermos.


First month Mon, 29 Oct 2018 14:43:38 +0000 Continue reading "First month"

Oktober 1

Finally arrived to Slovenia. After traveling for 6h from Riga I’m here. Just an hour later moving into my new home, appartment with quite few flatmates. Students from Serbia and co-volunteer Maryna.

Oktober 9

This is not a job, nor studies. This is non-formal education. Setting up your own working space and adjusting the temp and competences to your personal goals and initiatives. It’s the perfect environment for self development and skills to grow. We are learning not so much about about the place and organization as about ourselves.

Could it be any better? You’re thrown into another country with an opportunity to learn how to learn.

Oktober 14

Second week is almost done. I’m used to this place. I can start to call it home.

Also participating in a small festival by the beginning of the project is giving experience. It opens up your creative side and keep you up to date.

Today I took my lunch which I’ve prepared in the previous evening, took my cameras and made some fruit water. I’m set to go. 7am and we are hitting the road from Ljubljana to Tolmin.

The place is amazng! Mountains on every direction, fresh air and it feels like you’re on the top of the world.

Oktober 21

Yesterday was the first time of going out. Of course we went to Metelkova, is there other places? Impression was 6 out of 10. Not a lot of people. Though I did met some familiar faces and did engage in conversations with strangers, wihch put me out of my comfort zone a bit. So mission completed, I guess.

Next morning I finally pushed myself into doing exercise and it felt so good. It’s the middle of autumn, but I can still go running in outfit as it would be summer. (I hate running, but again – putting yourself out of your comfort zone can help you).

Oktober 27

Just spend the most amazing week by the Adriatic sea during on-arrival training for my volunteering year. Met some interesting people with whom I have already started to cooperate in one personal project. It will be a promo video for all our sceptical relatives and friends who does not believe that volunteering is someting useful.

For now it’s in the process, but with the time it should turn into something remarkable.

Oktober 29

The fifth week has begun. Seems like it’s been only a week here. Starting to realize my goals.

This is the environment for growth. Dare to open up,  to talk and to share your ideas. It’s important that you engage with other in similar situations because by talking and sharing you can find the right path or answer for you.

Sometimes it takes a lot of courage but it can give a lot more in return.

Also hitchhiking to Trieste, Italy in one afternoon just to eat a gelato is something you CAN DO.

If you want then you can achieve