Twitch is a live streaming platform primarily focused on video gaming, where users can watch, broadcast, and interact in real time. It hosts a wide variety of content, including esports tournaments, personal streams of individual players, and gaming-related talk shows. Beyond gaming, Twitch has expanded to include streams related to art, music, and lifestyle, making it a diverse community for creators and viewers with shared interests.
activitiescontent creationdisseminationpromotion
Last update: July '23
0.0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews)
Very good0%
Setup Difficulty: Low
Registration: Yes
Personal data: GDPR compliant
Price: Free
Difficulty of use: Low
IOS accessibility: Windows, iOS, Android, Linux
Bandwidth requirement: Low

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Check out the blogs written by Fabio and get to know the tool better:

Twitch – Untapped Potential

How to Utilize Twitch as a Youth Worker?

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