Post 12

So, guys, here we go, this is my final – farewell post! Its been an amazing year, that literally changed my mindset and opened up a whole new world for me! I’ve experienced not only new fields of knowledge but the brand-new way of living. So, let’s get to the beginning for some reflection. We gonna get back in time for one year.

At that time, it was “young”, unexperienced me, who was in torments with the question of what I want to do next and what would be my next goal? And then, like a smile of fortune, appeared from nowhere the info pack of Multimedia ninja project – the title had cached my attention immediately and after reading it all through, I knew for sure that I would love to try applying. And I did that! So, I came to Slovenia with hope to figure out what I want to be and get more of life experience. When I first arrived, I was amazed by the beauty of Slovenian nature. But at the same time, I was stressed and scared of everything so maybe that’s why I don’t remember much of those first two months. But, anyway, in the beginning, I learned a lot of basics that have set the foundation of everything that I got and improved later on. I may say, that this year I made a lot of things, I can be proud of. Every small flyer, promo video or long mockumentary or other was a small victory for me. I’m also proud of my traveling experience, I visited almost all the places I planned, and the rest of the list I want to finish in the nearest future.

You know, now when I’m trying to raise all that happened with me this year in my memory, I see it as a river with the waterfall just in the middle of its length. And the first half of it runes fast, through the mountains so there many unexpected rapids and turns and all the way you don’t know what to expect. And then comes the waterfall – the point of kind of relief, where you set free all your fear and realize that adaptation officially over, you overcame most of the difficulties and now you can go with the flow, measuredly.

If you ask me what would I change my answer would be – Nothing. – because all the obstacles we face at the beginning, it’s a completely natural part of gaining experience, that is how we learn things the best, by overcoming problems. And if you feel satisfied at the end then everything went as it should be.

I would like to finish this post with a short message for the next EVS’s: Don’t let the difficulties on your way broke you down and stop you from reaching your goals, try to fight them, leave your comfort zone and you going to be rewarded at the end. And, of course, do not forget that this journey is also full of fun, parties and new cool friends! So, go for it!

And for me, it’s a high time to say: bye-bye!) It was a pleasure to share my experience and thoughts with you!)

Maryna Polovko.

Escape the ordinary!

We all probably have a book on our bedside table that we read before sleep and maybe we struggle to finish because we don’t like it or because it’s boring.
So the question is why do we have to finish it? Because we bought it or because we want a new one…maybe!
I’ll tell you a secret: there is no excuse to keep it, if you don’t like it, choose another one!

I know it’s not always as simple as with books (many of which also have a happy ending) but what if you start seeing everything in black and white, even if you’re not part of an old photograph?
You know, they have their charm because they smell of experience, history, friendship and family…old pics I mean!

Time is the greatest gift we’ve ever received, so why waste it doing things we don’t like or don’t care about? Why regret lost possibilities?
There are only two letters “no” … or rather “NO”. Doesn’t your book sound interesting? Get another one. Is the color of the wall monotonous? Choose a more lively one and so on and then, step by step, it will be easier and more fun!

When colors did not exist yet, artists used pigment powders to paint…to emphasize that there is always a means that allows you to reach your goals, even if it’s not perfect or it might seem difficult.

And how many times you can read about it, how many people can tell you, it will never be as satisfying as when you decide to change something, to take the first step…the first of a long series, to have new experiences, to satisfy your curiosity and to feel that there is nothing to lose!

So my dear reader, start your change … and your challenge!

escape the ordinary

Post 10

The countdown is started…3,2,1!

Only three posts in this blog separate me from the finish of my project. It’s rather sad and excited at the same time. From one point, one amazing year, full of new experiences, meetings and knowledge, coming to the end; and from the other – it leads me to the new page of my life.

Anyhow, I still have opportunity to share with you my experience I got this month. So, let’s get it started.

The past month I was involved in different events that took place in the organization. I was helping the group of young people with filming an interview for their documentaries, made a presentation for “Social week – Socialni teden” – the yearly holding meeting for partners of Social academy. That was meeting in a very warm and friendly atmosphere, where I was lucky to try traditional for Slovenia golaž and pie called gibanica cooked by Janko – unofficial “Dad” of our office team. I was helping with promo material and shooting for the week-long camp for children called “Jaz, novinar”, where they can not only play and have fun but also use all their creativity and create an actual product – video, short film, broadcast, ect., they can try themselves in a role of scenarist, director, costume designer, cameraman, actor and espouse their talents.

In addition to that, I opened for myself a new field of knowledge – I’ve started to learn how to create a webpage from a scratch and now I’m in the prosses of creating my own. Let’s hope I will manage to finish it until the end of the project. Wish me good luck?

Among other, I finished editing video from the event I’ve told you about in my previous post and have started to fill in the Youthpass.

I was lucky enough to have this month a kind on excursion to the most artistic and free-spirited place in Ljubljana called Rog. It used to be a bicycle factory then transformed into a community space for alternative content. Now, Rog is a synonym for free art and mindset. It is an autonomous social and cultural center, that hosts a number of artist studios, gallery spaces, two skate parks, a social center for disadvantaged groups (such as migrants and refugees), various concert and clubbing venues, a bicycle repair shop, and so on.

You never find a better place to get to know real Ljubljana then Rog! I’ve been knowing about it since I arrived and had planned to visit it so many times but always postponed it. And finally, it happened. We visited building where studios are, drunk a homemade beer in the cafe outside, visited the library, claimed up to the roof and were enjoying the view on the city lights of the center and listening to the blues concert holding not far. Great time from my perspective!

With the summer coming in Ljubljana a lot of interesting events started to take place. For example, in the Ljubljana Castle have started to display films under the stars, I also didn’t miss such a great opportunity and went to the premiere of the film of one Slovenian director. The film called “My last year as a loser”, it´s a comedy but with the strong existential meaning behind it. I’ve been enjoying every minute, watching it and my poor Slovenian wasn’t a problem because there were eng subtitles inserted, so I could get the sense of what’s going on on the screen.

To relax and keep my physical shape in good condition helped me two times attending yoga classes in Tivoli park. Imagine: early evening, when the sun is shining through the leaves but not hitting anymore, greenery starts to spread around amazing smell, birds and crickets are singing and you breathing deeply and calmly and stretching your body laying on the grass. That gives me so much pleasure and power for living!

On this high note, I’m gonna leave you to the next month! Be relaxed and enjoy the summer as much as I do =)

Maryna Polovko.

Post 9

As far as it is the 9th post, after it will be finished, I can start a final countdown (sad emoji here TT). And this fact leads me to the thought that there is not much time left but still a lot of things to do. At first, you think that you have so much time that will be able to make all your plans happen, but the time runs so fast that at one minute you look backwards and you see – there almost a year passed – and it gets clear that you actually didn’t manage to complete even a half of your to-do list. So now I have this strange feeling of a strong need to arrange a time as productively as possible during these 3 months, just to feel completeness and satisfaction afterward.

Anyhow, I need to tell you how I spent this month.

It started with filming some material for promo of one big project Socialna akademija was part of. It was held in a big hall. The event itself was full of youth spirit so it had an extremely good impression on us. It consisted of 2 main parts: active groups’ rewarding and entertaining part. Skipping the first, I’m going to tell more about the second and most fun and impressive one. There was a performance of one famous acrobatic group called “Dunking Devils”. They were doing complicated tricks combined with basketball play. The performance was so catchy that I couldn’t take my eyes off it.


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Besides this event, I was also doing small tasks and was practicing with Adobe Illustrator.

And the cherry on the cake – voyage to Paris.


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It wasn’t just a sightseeing trip, I also went there for my favorite Korean band’ concert – BTS. It has been passed 2 days since I attended it, but I still can’t believe it. I need some time to realize that it actually had happened and one of my biggest dreams in life came true. My emotions were so strong that I even cried after it has ended – and it unusual for me, believe me!)

Furthermore, I met a lot of nice people who are also BTS fans. And this is amazing to see how music can connect people of different nationalities and ages, and make them behave like best friends from the very first encounter. I can say that I never felt more included in society. From now on I will set another goal for myself to go to their concert one more time, whatever it takes! Just to feel all those emotions once again! Because what we will keep with us for the whole life and what doesn’t have expiry date is our memories and strong emotions we got through.

Maryna Polovko

Post 8

I’m going to start this post by telling a bit sad news that took place this month – unfortunately my co-worker and my first and best-ever foreign companion, with whom we’ve got through so many, from very first day in Slovenia – Eliza – left the project and went back to her life in order to continue study. We both hate goodbyes so her farewell dinner we’ve ended as if it wasn’t our last met – and I dare to hope it wasn’t.

But anyhow I’m still here and volunteer life for me continues.

Well, this month were two events that got right into my experience box and they both contain filming. The first event was dedicated to the business theme and called “Solidarnost v poslovnem svetu”. We were filming this event for more than 2 hours, so it was exhausting, to be honest. Furthermore, all speakers were talking in Slovenian except for one Portuguese businessman so I’ve managed to get some tips of running my own business =D.

The second event was devoted to the very famous, as I understood, Slovenian actor of passing years. This 90-year-old but young-soul, charismatic man was talking about his years on the stage, was joking all the time, making lough the whole audience. Even I, not knowing a word, was enjoying his talking – it proves that real talent is never getting old. Despite all inconveniences with filming (too dark hall, problems with setting a camera and no place to sit and space to move) I was glad to be present at the event.


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And as we’re coming closer to the end, I don’t want to break established tradition of reporting travel stores. This time it was a voyage to Italy.

Our way was laying through Verona to Trento – small town surrounded by mountains and high hills – where we spent 2 days. We were living in a newly build house up in the hill with a wide terrace with the view on mountains – it was splendid.

During staying in Trento after we’ve finished sightseeing there, we made a small voyage to famous Italian lake Garda (Lago di Garda). I literally don’t have words to describe it’s beauty and if you don’t believe my words then believe George Cluny’s taste because he bought a villa in this place. Anyway, we were hiking there – walking along the lake on a nice hiking trail, on the left side are the lake, mountains half-covered with a soft blanket of fog and on the right side high steep cliff raising up to the sky – not bad, huh? I guess George Cluny would agree with my point.


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Before going back to Ljubljana, we spent a day walking around the most romantic Italian city, where «story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo» was taking place – Verona. My comment on it: it is an absolutely incredible city, I literally felt an unexplained warm feeling in my chest, there is something in the air that makes you fell in love with the city – some flavor of romance spreading around. It definitely worth to visit again, I hope I will do it with my soulmate next time.


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On this high note I’m leaving you till the next time)

Maryna Polovko

Post 7

Today is the time for my post but before starting to write it I’ve decided to go for a run early in the morning that haven’t done for a long-long time. In five minutes’ walk from my place, there is a hill with lots of trails and beautiful flora, so I went for a run there. The reason for this was not to get in better shape, as you might think, but to “run” over all that happened this month….to reflect a bit. I was really needed to clear my mind because with the time passing by, I feel that it is harder and harder to share my thoughts and that I want to keep them only for myself. So, I had no doubt that “exercise” would help me to come up with some conclusions and it did.

Well, today I’m not gonna mention small things, but will point out a few remarkable ones only.

I was part of a team that organized 2 days event for high school students. Why I put it on my list? – Because it was the first time I’ve been playing the main role in filming and completely in charge of catering the event at the same time. What I got out of it? – Enormous experience of multitasking and the skill of overcoming the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. Later I also made a promo video out of the material I’d filmed.

Then comes absolutely unplanned visit to Planina Cave (formerly known as Malograjska jama or “Little Castle Cave”). I guess I’ve told before that observation of such places, always leaves a mark on my soul, so there is no need to explain why it’s a noteworthy occasion for me. But what I would like to point out here is that now comparing two caves I’ve been to, I can be aware of that everything that is made by nature is unique and has its special charm. For me, a cave is not only stones which are the same everywhere but a masterpiece created without human hand that’s why it is so priceless.

The next occasion had been 3 days long and took place in Ankaran – a small coastal town in Slovenia, near the border with Italy. It was our mid-term evaluation. Of course, it was full of communication, reflection, and exercises on self-awareness. But the things I will remember from those three days are morning swimming in the Adriatic Sea with only 12.5 degrees temperature water, which I really proud of; and  evening trip to Isola (another town nearby) for dinner to the restaurant that one dynasty of winemakers is keeping for a long time. I will never forget crazy ride uphill on a winding road with steep turns, vineyard owner’s explanation on how the moon phase influence the taste of wine (young and growing moon takes away power of the Earth and leaves the wine with light elegant taste and just the other way around, the full moon fills the Earth with energy and gives to the wine strong, vivid and rich taste) and, of course, I will keep the memories about amazing taste of white sweet wine, called Muscat.

And the last thing in the list is treasure hunt I’ve been yesterday to. It was really fun to go around the city center of Ljubljana, to complete some creasy tasks and just enjoy the company and evening walk. The meet point was in one of the best cafes in Ljubljana with one of the most spectacular observational decks – perfect end of the day, isn’t it?)

That is all for now)
Thank you for reading this till the end)

Maryna Polovko

Post 6

I have a strong belief that everything that I start need to be finished no matter how I feel about it, that is why I would like to start this post by announcing that I have finished mockumentary video and I am considering it as one more small win over myself.

Anyways, the month was rich in important occurrences I want to share with you. So, let’s not delay and start)

First occurrence is the photography workshop. It was really informative, and gave me helpful tips not only about basic camera settings but also about lights: where to put spotlights, how to play with range of light, how a picture is changing depend on hue and amount of light in the room, and creative tricks that can make a picture perfect.

Second occurrence is the start of special multimedia course that includes learning of different approaches in creating an animation. Now we are working only in one animation program – “Toon Boom Harmony” – and I must to admit it very scrupulous and long process to create qualitive animation, even nowadays, with all this bunch of computer software. But I will try my best to make something at least slightly looking as animation, I promise.

Next important occurrence is arriving of our third volunteer. Her name is Angela she is from Italy and very enthusiastic about the work, so, I guess, it will be pleasure to cooperate with her. We made a short tour around Ljubljana, showing to her famous places and telling about interesting facts. That was very refreshing for us to go out from the office and I hope helpful for Angela to get to know a bit a new place of living.

And now, according to the established tradition, a bit of travel information)

We have opened up a season of active rest with the hike to Gradišče, 530 meters high hill nearby our place. The whole way up of course was memorable but the most interesting was waiting for us on the top: there was a box and inside of it were checkmark book, stamp and ink for it. I think it is such a good idea to leave them on the top because making these things so official, allow people to consider their small hike as one of important destinations – metaphoric reaching the goal – that what I felt after writing my name and putting the stamp.

Not much time have passed and we went for another hike to Šmarna Gora, we have been there before but didn’t mind to do it again. It was arranged for all Erasmus+ participants and we decided to take part in it too. The result was slight tiredness mixed with satisfaction of nicely spent time. Isn’t it perfect? – For me it is!)

And now we slowly come closer to the most spectacular trip of the month – dream voyage to Barcelona and then to Venice!)

I have been dreaming to visit Barcelona since I was 20, and to be honest never actually thought that it could come true. This city turned out even better than I expected, it has such a unique charm that I hardly can choose words to explain. And it’s not only about amazing architecture with all these artsy Gaudi’s buildings, nor perfectly turquoise Mediterranean Sea and palm threes everywhere, nor Catalan’s colorit and unbelievably tasty food – it’s something much bigger – feeling of the dream coming true!

My way back from Barcelona lay through Venice and I had a few hours for sightseeing. But after this short walk I understood that what a unforgivable disrespect it is, to walk around the “The Floating City” only four hours and that I definitely need more time for exploring its tiny romantic streets and endless canals so I made a promise to myself to go there one more time in nearest future.

Maryna Polovko

Post 5

I guess everyone knows how it could be hard to tune yourself to the working mood after long holidays. So, this year wasn’t an exception. After my amazing vacation in Germany with friends, lots of spare time and joy of the New Year celebration, to be honest, I wasn’t happy to dive into working routine. But the world of grown-ups does not take kindly to being disobeyed. So, just like every other year usually begins, the 2019 started from getting back to work, so do not expect any traveling stories in this post.

With returning back to workplace I’ve received a new tasks and duties. Now I am responsible for helping in preparation the space for events, workshops or any kinds of activities that our organization hosts. During this month we had two big events, where I was in charge of making coffee, hot water for tea, preparing the table with snacks, checking if participants have everything they need and, of course, taking photos of event for Socialna akademia’s Facebook page.

I was also present at the conference called “EPAS”. Since I worked with an additional camera for close-ups, I constantly had to move it and every time look for right angle and adjust the focus following the speakers. I must to admit, every other shooting set helps me to hone my skills and I’m starting slightly feel sparkles of professionalism in this field and I have to say that it’s really pleasant to see the progress.

In the field of editing this month also brought to me another interesting and rather challenging task. I received a big amount of video material. And what I need to do is to create a mockumentary, so to speak fake documentary video. Now I’m working on selection of material, I’m cutting out good takes, thinking over how it will look like etc. In the end, and this is the most difficult part in my opinion, I will have to put all this pieces into a single complete whole – into the video, which will contain the meaning inside and will be able implement the message.

Among other tasks I had been dealing with, were working in Adobe inDesign and Illustrator and installing Antivirus programme but as more important we have made good progress in writing our Youth Exchange project. On the meetings we have discussed aims, needs and goals of our project; have wrote down all ideas that came to our minds, and have created an estimated activity schedule. And the more we think about all of it – the more enthusiastic we become.

Okay…Enough about work, let me tell you a bit about my spare time! Of course, as I mentioned before this post won’t be full of traveling experience but still… this month I couldn’t left myself without any memories and dedicate whole time only to winter laziness.

We went to nice Slovenian town, Kamnik, with original intention to attend a party where many EVSes were going to convene up, but after we have arrived and we couldn’t help but walk around, admiring the tiny streets and magnificent view on mountains and small red ruffs. After sightseeing we went to the party place. We met there many of our EVS’ friends and also new volunteers, we played (as crazy) table football, hanged out and spent really good time.

And the last thing that’s worth to be mentioned is visit to the gallery of modern art. This visit took place on one of the national holidays of Slovenia. This day is called Prešeren Day (Culture Day) and celebrated on February 8th, on the anniversary of the death of the greatest Slovenian poet dr. France Prešeren.  The interesting thing is that all museums and galleries are free to visit, so we couldn’t lose such a great opportunity too.

I can’t call myself a big admirer of modern art but some pieces of art (and they deserve to be called like this) had a big impression on me and have left a mark on my soul. Although, unfortunately, the camera cannot convey the beauty of these paintings but I still dare to put them.

Maryna Polovko

Post 4

The last two weeks of the year, I would say, were chaotic because this time was full of things I never did before. The most stressful task for me was to prepare the VIP party for partners and people who were somehow involved in activities our organization have been provided. We were making all the decorations, setting up the list of the dishes, and finally cooking all of it. During the preparation process some argues and misunderstandings appeared but we’ve learned how to get through it and cooperate productively. I guess in some way it even helped us, pushing to do our best. And I have to admit I am proud of what we have managed to create as a team. Guests were satisfied, and we were happy to hear that.

Then comes a bit less but still in a way stressful event – the postcard workshop. The idea of it belongs to my co-worker, Elisa. Being a big fan of Christmas and fond of calligraphy, she came up with idea to combine these two things together and organize a workshop on this theme. I was inspired by her enthusiasm about it and expressed my intention to be involved. So, we have decided to divide it in two parts: calligraphy and decoration. Elisa was in charge of the first one and I – of the second one. We prepared some examples in ahead. To be honest the workshop was not exactly how we planned it, but we had a great time after all and that is what really matters. So, having been filled with the festive mood after workshop and made a reflection on the passed times with one of our mentors, Tina, we went on the vacation.

Do you remember in the previous post I have promised to start to explore nearby countries? Well, I’m happy to inform you that I kept my promise. And my “victim” is … drum roll … wonderful Germany!

The trip to Germany was like a breath of fresh air for me. It was almost like return home because I met my university friends, even those I did not expect to meet. We were talking, laughing and remembering the years that we spent in the walls of our beloved(no)hated alma mater, sharing the personal stories and of course some gossips about mutual friends and I realized at once how I miss all of it: be in a company of old friends and speak native language.

But my journey was not only about sitting and talking, it also contained sightseeing. Here is a short list with descriptions of places I have visited.

The first stop – Hamburg:

  • tour on the river bus along the Elbe, which includes seeing of a broad view on the city;
  • The Elbphilharmonie – is concert hall, hotel and observation deck whole in one;
  • main square and the Rathaus – building with impressive architecture which is the seat of the government of Hamburg;

  • St. Nicholas’s church – once the tallest building in the world, this half-destroyed church is now a monument to the destruction of WWII;
  • Dancing Towers, which are located in the end of so-called red-light district  –Reeperbahn – represents innovative architectural decision of our century;
  • Church of St. John of Kronstadt – orthodox church with unusual for this religion architecture;
  • Miniatur Wunderland – this place deserves a separate post however I will try to describe it as shortly as possible – well, I was completely amazed by this place! All the details are so perfectly made that you hardly believe they are copies. All these tiny cities live their own lives. It is like a small world inside the room. I was feeling myself as a giant in Lilliput, for real!

The second stop – Berlin:

  • The Rotes Rathaus – the town hall of Berlin, named so for its red brick facade;
  • St. Nicholas’s church – the oldest (in Germany) and along with it very beautiful church;
  • Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) – has elaborate decorative and ornamental designs and stands on the very bank of Spree river, this church definitely worth seeing;
  • Branderburg Gate – Berlin’s most famous landmark and a national German symbol of peace and unity;
  • Berlin wall – the other famous landmark – it is actually very long and I visited only the part which is called East Side Gallery, because of lots of artistic murals on it, but the most iconic one is “The Socialist Fraternal Kiss”, where Brezhnev and Honecker’s kissing, and there are also the words: “My God, help me to survive this deadly love”;
  • Madame Tussaud Museum – is jewel in the crown of my journey, I literally have no words to describe my feelings about it! All the sculptures look so alive that sometimes it’s even creepy. I definitely need to visit it one more time.

Well, a new year is a high time to wipe the slate clean and to start a new beginning. What is my plan? – I don’t know yet but I have a big expectation for it. First of all, I want to set up the goals to clarify my way and then I will just try to follow it.

Maryna Polovko

Post 3

Hi, guys! So, this is the high time for the third post. Let’s get it started!

Day by day I’m getting used to all that surround me. Our apartment, the way to work that I pass every day, our office and people in there – all that – is daily basis for me now. But I do not consider this as something bad, it’s just the next step in adaptation. The excitement of the “first time” is slowly going away, to clear the way for simply enjoyable observation of familiar places. With the time we have more and more responsibilities and tasks. I feel like I already made a hundred of flyers in Adobe Illustrator – of course less but I feel like that amount. We’ve met our new multimedia mentor – Martin. Now, our learning includes theoretic and practical parts and covers both: filming and photography. Aside from that, we were helping with workshop for deaf people (“How to deal with money”), by doing the research about mobile apps for personal finance keeping, testing them and processing the information and putting all collected data into a summary table; and also, research about freelance websites. But I can’t say that my work is complete routine and there isn’t new experience in my life anymore. For example, we’ve attended the conference, called “Šola ambasadorka” where were helping to film and shoot every part of its program. It was “practice in live” for us – real work and I really enjoy it because I get my experience by doing such tasks.

Furthermore, weekends are still the time of discoveries for me. Step by step I get to now Slovenia: its amazing nature, which mixed altogether mountains with deep caves and high tops, green Alpine meadows (the Milka’s commercial was inspired by it, for sure), fresh clean air and beautiful view at the Adriatic Sea. Sounds like paradise? It actually IS.

Well… My list of monthly trips is not that big but I still proud of it!)

My “hit parade of out-of-city voyages” opens the Saturday evening in the mountain hut near Škofja Loka in a company of a bit crazy but really funny Latvians. Then, the next day visit to the old town with tiny little streets with a touch of antiquity. And, as the conclusion, visit to Lake Bled, hiking to the observation spot on the top of the hill – and the view that takes a breath away…

Then in the list goes visit to the Lake Bohinj, that located in the Triglav National Park (warning! if you ever decide to visit this place beware of a flock of ducks, they spy on you and follow you wherever you go!). A bit further there is an incredible Savica waterfall (78 m high). And what l want to say is that it’s  impossible not to admire the power of nature while looking at the waterfall.

Ends our list – the hike to Šmarna gora (or English equivalent – Mount Sent Mary). Hiking it, I recognized, that no matter how tough the way up might be, the view from the peak is worth it!

This is all for now. Hope, soon I will go to the next level and may be will start to explore nearby countries.
Bye for now. See you next year!

Maryna Polovko