Real Love & True Utopia ’68

Objavljeno: 25. oktobra 2019

On this exchange, we were reflecting on the importance of love, intimacy, and relationships in our lives.  Of course as in which each other topic, this one could also not be a one way rule for everybody, because it’s always an each individual understanding, exploring, representing and feeling that bound us through our own experiences our even imaginations and assumptions, what we connect to this topics. But mostly I’ve would say, I’ve noticed that many people relate this topics in connection with another person.

When we speak about love, relationship and intimacy, it’s one of the greatest connections, if it’s a lovable one, that we humans can have with each other. It is mostly viewed as something that we have to, or we wish to achieve in our life time – speaking of romantic involvement of two individuals.

And I saw many, speaking of love – thinking and believing that this is an achievement with another human being, which is also correct, but for me, love – I see as something universal. And the greatest achievement for me first and foremost is having the greatest connection and relationship with oneself.

So I very much appreciated, that our workshops during the exchange were focused not only on getting to know each other, which in my eyes is one of the most valuable form of learning … but we also focused to getting to know ourselves better in a deeper and intimate way. Many times with the help of someone else – which all together, for me, is and was a great expression and offering of love.

Great thanks to all the persons who participated, to the one who organized it, and to the ones that selected me and make it possible for me to participate!

Katja Zgoznik

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