My EVS experience
Objavljeno: 25. maja 2018

A big part of the year 2017 I have spent in Slovenia on long-term EVS programme called „Travel. Think. Share. Through EVS.“ My host was one awesome organization – Socialna akademija from Ljubljana. While I was applying for the project, setting up all kinds of skype meetings, signing the contract, packing my suitcase and at the end arriving in Ljubljana, I wasn’t even aware that this year will be a true rollercoaster filled with precious new skills, events, friends and also self-growth.
I can say that the name of the project itself is very suitable, because EVS gave this opportunity to, while living abroad, with help of my coworkers and EVS friends, develop skills that I always wanted to develop, bit didn’t have time and resources for them. So, in that year, I have learned how to do a bit of a photography, filming, editing, I worked with kids,
designed, watched how to organize a big event or a youth exchange…heh, the main moto of that youth exchange was „The right amount of everything“, and I really think that in Slovenia I learned exactly that – the right amount of everything.
Actually, when I better think about it, EVS and Socialna akademija throughout the whole year really gave me this opportunity to watch, learn and discover big variety of things a bit, and during the last few months, I had this chance to develop my own project and do things that I was really good at.
But, EVS is not just about work and professional skills. It is also one big party that is attended by a large number of young people from all around Europe. Free-spirited people with similar interest, but different stories and cultural backgrounds. And the fun part starts – we all get to know each other better, organize different events, travel…and with every meeting, we realize that we have learned something new also about ourselves. For example, I would never think that I am capable to travel by hitchhiking, and then, I found myself hitchhiking with my EVS friends through the whole Croatia. Later on, I hitchhiked big part of Western Europe – alone! And I was really proud :).
In the end, as I already said, the name of my project was „Travel. Think. Share. Through EVS.“, and this part „Share.“ is something that I took with me when I came back to Serbia. That means that all those memories and experiences from EVS stay part of you long, long after the programme has finished. It is up to you to grab and share them also in the future, in all aspects of your life.
Mariana Fodor
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