Vtisi: Poletna učna izkušnja z naslovom Moj korak naprej

Objavljeno: 21. septembra 2022

Julija se je v Celju odvil trening mladinskih delavcev z naslovom Moj korak naprej. Kakšna je bila izkušnja je zapisala udeleženka iz Madžarske.

After two times postponing the event due to the coronavirus crisis, the training My step forward has been organized in Celje, 2022 July. It was an important learning experience in my professional and personal life as well. The international environment, the professional and open-minded atmosphere, and the gorgeous landscape around the training location resulted in a nice and powerful event.

The training time was more than appropriate for me, as I have just finished university (with a law degree) and have also been in a personal, inner self-development process. So, for me, this training was an excellent occasion to think about and reflect on ways to adulthood. The project’s main topics were growing up and becoming responsible, independent adults, as well as mentoring youngsters on their way to adulthood. The first part (2-3 days) of the training was characterized by the collection of personal experiences on growing up, adulthood, and life transitions. Building on the gained experience, the second part of the project was dominated by professional processes of knowing, analyzing, sharing and creating methods that we as mentors, youth workers, or teachers can use in an everyday professional environment to help youngsters in their ways to adulthood.

If I had to mention the most important learning outcomes, I’d definitely say that I learnt a lot from myself, and the project helped greatly in my personal inner development process. Furthermore, I also learnt new methods and tools I can use in my everyday professional environment as a Scout leader. I found a good idea that we dedicated time to share methods with each other, in the concrete form of trying and then evaluating them with the training group.

Since we, the participants, came from different countries and education/youth work backgrounds (formal education vs nonformal context; professional youth workers vs volunteers), the result was a fascinating presence of various points of view. Finally, I think my English skills, such as language use in a professional education environment, participating in professional debates, and expressing feelings, emotions and thoughts in a sophisticated way, have also been developed a lot.


Končni rezultat našega druženja je Toolbox za mentorje, kjer so nabrane raznolike metode, s katerimi lahko podpremo mlade v procesu karierne in življenjske orientacije. Metode izhajajo iz izkušenj udeležencev, programa treninga in intelektualnih rezultatov strateškega partnerstva MotivAction, ki je služil kot spodbuda za razvoj projekta.

Poišči navdih in ideje za svoj mentorski proces v Toolboxu!

Poznaš kakšno metodo, ki jo želiš vključiti na platformo? Pogrešaš metodo za naslavljanje izziva, ki ni še bil naslovljen? Piši na sabina@socialna-akademija.si.

Toolbox je bil ustvarjen znotraj projekta Moj korak naprej, ki je sofinanciran v sklopu programa Erasmus+.


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