8.7.1 Coming together and building a group

Exercise, handout number Time Method Material
Welcome, introduction 10 min Circle Prepared flipchart with welcome
Partner interview, mutual presentation
Optional – if the students don´t know each other well
30 min Name, hobbies, motivation to participate in the project, any experiences with conflict resolution techniques? Student pairs interview each other
Expectations and “rules” 20 min +
10 min
Division into groups of 4, expectations, fears, contribution – 2 cards for each field, presentation; 6 cards in 3 colours per group, candies to find the members of the group
 The three musketeers and conflicts  35 min Exchange their perception of conflicts concerning the facts
afterwards: exchange in whole group
Groups of 3 students
Copies of handout 2
What do you associate when you hear “conflict”?  10 min Closed eyes – perception – exercise of a conflict Facilitators note associations on flipchart
Evaluation 10 min Closed eyes – perception – exercise of a conflict Ball to throw or “talking stone” to pass around

Handout 2: The three musketeers and conflicts


30 min


Participants will view conflicts from different perspectives and will compare their personal attitudes with those of the other group members. The aim is to realize that conflicts are two faceted: they are disliked and might cause fear but on the other hand they offer a potential for development.


copies of the form for each subgroup, pens

Instruction for implementation:

The facilitators ask the students to split up in groups of three and discuss the different perceptions of conflict. The next step will be to find common answers and note them on the paper. Afterwards the groups exchange their results in the plenary.

Evaluation procedure: The facilitators will underline the two faceted characters of conflicts.

These are three aspects of conflicts we all dislike:

These are three aspects of conflicts that scare us:

These are three aspects of conflicts we find interesting or even exciting: