8.7.4 Introduction of mediation phases

Exercise, handout number Time Method Materials
Opening session 20 min Recap and open questions
Active listening exercise 30 min Groups of 3 Copy
Preparation of the mediation (room, setting, time) 10 min Plenary
Introduction of 5 phases 10 min Plenary Copy
Phase 1 introduction 30 min Plenary: short introduction
Working groups: find your own phrases for the introduction
Evaluation 10 min

HO 11: Active listening


20 minutes


Participants experience actively and passively what it means to be a good listener by slipping into the roles of the talking person, the listening person and the observer.


a large room to avoid mutual disturbances, three questions for the participants, flipchart

Instruction for implementation:

The facilitators ask the participants to form groups of three and to sit in the shape of a triangle. There will be three rounds with changing roles A, B and C. Person A will talk about a topic raised by the trainers e.g. “Tell us something about your last vacation.”  Person B will listen actively and person C will observe. Time duration: approximately 3 minutes. A short feedback round will follow and person C will share his/her observations. What was well done, what can be improved?

The participants will switch roles after every round and repeat the process with a new question.

Evaluation procedure: The subgroups get together in the plenary again and share their experiences and findings. One trainer summarizes key findings: What are elements of good, active listening? on the flipchart. Distribute the worksheet Active listening and explain the three levels of summarizing.


Handout 12: The five phases of school mediation

  1. Opening statement
  • Greet the disputants and introduce yourself
  • Explain the role of the mediator: assure the parties that you will maintain confidentiality, remain impartial and support them in their search for solutions to the conflict
  • Explain how you will proceed
  • Agree on ground rules
  • Get their go-ahead for beginning the process
  1. Viewpoints and issues: How does each party view the conflict?
  • Who wants to begin?
  • Ask each party to relate the conflict from their viewpoint
  • Reflect back, summarize and ask questions
  • Make sure the rules are adhered to
  • Emphasize what the parties have in common and where they  differ
  1. Understanding the conflict
  • Motivate the disputants to make “I-statements”
  • Concentrate on the feelings, needs and interests involved
  • Express the mood of the moment
  • Support direct communication between the parties
  1. Looking for possible solutions: Who can offer what?
  • Brainstorm possible solutions and write them down
  • Read the solutions out loud
  • Check the ideas: are they realistic? fair? appropriate? specific enough?
  1. Agreement and closing
  • The parties agree to a common solution
  • Write up the agreement
  • Have the parties sign the agreement and give them copies
  • Arrange for a follow-up session in 1-2 weeks
  • Thank the parties for their cooperation and wish them well
  • Jamie Walker (Ed.), Mediation in der Schule, Berlin 2005, p. 179

Handout 13: Starting the mediation process/Introduction

The peer mediators welcome the students, ask them to sit down and introduce themselves. Tea/ juice and cookies might be offered.

The peer mediators explain their role and task in this process:

  • Mediators are responsible for facilitating the process
  • Mediators are neutral/don´t take sides and support the conflicting parties to develop their own solutions
  • The students can rely on the confidentiality of the mediators

Mediators give an overview of the course of a mediation process

  • Each party has a chance to explain his or her view of the conflict
  • What is the personal significance of the conflict/ What is the background?
  • Mediators enhance communication and mutual understanding
  • Mediators support the parties to look for a fair solution
  • Both parties sign a written agreement describing the common solution

Rules of discussion during the mediation

  • Students don´t interrupt each other, if necessary the other person can take notes
  • No insults
  • Both parties agree to listen to each other.
  • What is said during the mediation is confidential.

Mediators ask the participants for their go-ahead.

  • It is helpful to hang up a poster with the rules.
  • It is also helpful to prepare moderation cards with the different aspects in order not to forget anything.
  • Training material Jamie Walker, revised by Beate Roggenbuck