7.8.7 Bullying Intervention without sanctions – overview of the steps of the process


10 min


Participants will be introduced to the steps of the NBA approach and get an idea about the concrete procedure.


Flipcharts No. 7, 8

Instruction for implementation:

The facilitators point out that these two flipcharts give an overview of the NBA procedure. The facilitators comment on the illustrated steps:

Firstly, the teacher meets with the affected student in order to win his/her trust and his/her agreement to intervene. This meeting is crucial, the teacher should not only show concern about what is happening but also his/her commitment to help and confidence that the problem can be solved.

The student will be informed about the planned steps. In order to form the support group the teacher asks the names of friends and of classmates who are still supportive. On the other hand, he/she asks who is bothering the affected student (offender and bystanders).

The goal of this meeting is not

  • to find out in detail what happened to the student
  • give him/her advice concerning possible changes of behavior
  • reflect possible reasons why he/she is affected

The meeting lasts 30 – 45 minutes.  The student should be relieved of any responsibility, the teacher signals his/her commitment. A date for a follow-up meeting will be found (within 8 – 14 days), until then the student observes carefully what happens.

Secondly, the teacher forms a support group. This group includes 3 – 4 bullying protagonists plus 3 – 4 friends of the affected student or at least neutral students.The group´s unique factor is that it is not a support group for the affected student but for the teacher who asks for help to solve the bullying problem.The support group aims at developing ideas and measures which can be carried out by members of the group to stop bullying activities.

The meeting with the support group will take place during regular classes (colleagues need to be informed beforehand).  Students will be invited personally or in written form, the purpose of the meeting will not be mentioned, just the need for solving a problem together. The teacher shows an appreciative attitude towards all participants without blaming anybody and mentions skills and resources each and every student has to help.

Thirdly, follow up meetings with the affected student and members of the support group (individually) will take place 8 – 14 days later. The teacher talks to the affected student in order to find out whether any (positive) changes occurred and how he/she is doing.There will also be individual meetings with the group members to evaluate the situation. Have the students been able to put their ideas into practice? Has the bullying stopped?

At this point, the facilitators don´t allow a lot of questions. Open questions can be answered later on when the steps will be dealt with in detail.

Background information:

The concept was developed by George Robinson and Barbara Maines in the 1990-ies in England. In 2002 Christopher Szaday introduced it in Switzerland since 2003 Heike Blum and Detlef Beck from the German organization Fairaend have been spreading the approach in Germany.Furthermore, the concept is in use in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Australia and New Zealand.