7.8.1 Welcome, introduction


approx. 20 min


Getting to know each other, participants are sharing their motivation for attendance, reflection of previous experiences with bullying situations.


Flipchart No. 1, (flipchart samples see additional material)

Instruction for implementation:

After welcoming the participants the facilitators make sure that everyone gets the chance to introduce him/herself in case they have not met the others beforehand. They ask for the motivation to attend the workshop and how long the teachers have been teaching at their school.

Next questions:
Who of you had to deal with/solve a concrete case of bullying in your class/ at your school?

  • Looking back, were you satisfied with the outcome?
    If yes, what did you do exactly? Which measures did you take? What was successful?
    If no, what do you think, why the intervention didn´t work?
  • Fairaend, Heike Blum and Detlef Beck, No Blame Approach Workshop, Handbuch für Trainerinnen und Trainer 2010, translated and partially revised by Beate Roggenbuck

Further reading:

  • Heike Blum, Detlef Beck, No Blame Approach Praxishandbuch 2010
  • Heike Blum, Detlef Beck, Eltern und der No Blame Approach, Ergänzung zum Praxishandbuch, 2013
  • George Robinson, Barbara Maines, Crying for help – the No Blame Approach to Bullying, 2000
  • George Robinson, Barbara Maines, Bullying – A complete guide to the Support Group Method, 2008