

  • Focus, Sind die bösen Jungs entschärft? 5.5.2014
  • Günther Gugel: Handbuch Gewaltprävention II, 2010
  • Programs to enhance the soft skills of students (prevention) became popular during the last 20 years in some European states (e.g. the Lions Quest concept, the “Friendly classroom” program, originally created in the USA or the buddy concept). Publications like “Gewaltfreier Umgang mit Konflikten in der Grundschule/Sekundarstufe I”   (Dealing nonviolently with conflicts in primary schools / high schools, author: Jamie Walker, 2013) have been studied and applied by teachers. However, it can also be stated that there are differences between European states concerning the spread of the usage of such programs.
  • More detailed information:  see instructions for school mediation at the end of the chapter: The five phases of school mediation
  • Jamie Walker, Mediation in der Schule, 2005, p. 11
  • Flyer: Mediation in Schools and No Blame Approach
  • Jamie Walker, ead. 2005, p. 25